Kodem Security Now on Google Cloud Marketplace!

 Kodem Security Now on Google Cloud Marketplace!
Kodem’s integration with Google Cloud means we’re actively scanning, analyzing, and responding to threats in real-time, across all stages of the development lifecycle

Kodem Security Joins Google Cloud Marketplace!

streamline developer workflows with our integration into Google Cloud

Kodem Security is now a proud part of the Google Cloud Marketplace. This marks a significant leap forward in our mission—to secure the nexus of human ingenuity and AI-generated code. In this era of rapid digital transformation, the fusion of Kodem’s cutting-edge security with Google Cloud's robust infrastructure is not just an enhancement—it’s a revolution.


Why This Partnership Matters

Future-Proofing Security: As we integrate deeper with AI, the line between human-written and machine-generated code blurs, raising complex security challenges. Kodem Security, now accessible via Google Cloud, ensures that both forms of code are safeguarded against emerging threats, making future-proof security a reality.

Boosting Developer Efficiency: Distraction is the enemy of innovation. By refining our alert systems to suppress the noise of non-critical alerts, Kodem allows developers to focus on what they do best—creating and refining groundbreaking software. This isn’t just about fixing bugs; it’s about fostering an environment where innovation thrives.

Empowering Open Source: With Google Cloud, Kodem champions the security of open-source initiatives. Open source is the backbone of innovative software development, but it’s also a field rife with vulnerabilities. Together, we’re making open source a safer playground for developers everywhere.

Kodem Security's Unique Approach

Proactive Detection: We’re not just waiting for vulnerabilities to reveal themselves. Kodem’s integration with Google Cloud means we’re actively scanning, analyzing, and responding to threats in real-time, across all stages of the development lifecycle—be it human or AI-generated code.

Streamlined Security Workflows: Our automated systems are precision-engineered to provide actionable insights, speeding up the triage process, reducing manual labor, and enhancing the security posture efficiently.

Developer-Centric Solutions: We empower developers by providing them with the tools they need to identify and resolve security issues from the get-go. It’s about building a stronger, secure foundation from the first line of code.

Together with Google Cloud

Find Kodem Security on the Google Marketplace >>

This collaboration is more than just a technology alliance or partnership. It's a commitment to reduce the vulnerability backlog and improve the security posture of the next generation of software products.. It’s about ensuring that every piece of code—whether penned by a developer or generated by an algorithm—is a building block for secure, robust applications.


ensures that your code is safeguarded against emerging threats, making future-proof security

See how Kodem and Google Cloud work together to actively scan, analyze, and respond to threats in real-time, across all stages of the development lifecycle.
